Posts By: Oihane Lakar

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Sales forecasting at retail stores -results from Machine Learning-based software in Italy

2 October 2023

In their participation in the SIDEA annual conference held in Marina di Orosei, Italy, the LOWINFOOD partner Roberta Pietrangelli from UNITUS presented…

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Some key factors to reduce fruit and vegetable loss and waste in the view of farmers and other actors in this value chain

29 September 2023

At the SIDEA conference recently held in Marina di Orosei, Italy, the LOWINFOOD partner Marco Nasso from UNITUS presented some preliminary results…

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LOWINFOOD wins a prize at SIDEA

27 September 2023

On 21 and 22 September 2023, the LOWINFOOD partner UNITUS joined the LIX Annual Conference SIDEA – Società Italiana di Economia Agraria in…

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LOWINFOOD presents a workbook for reducing returned products and increasing sustainability in bakeries

19 September 2023

The LOWINFOOD partner Institute of Sustainable Nutrition (ISUN) has recently completed a workbook for bakeries, to guide and prepare employees in bakeries…

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LOWINFOOD at the European Bioeconomy Scientific Forum 2023

8 September 2023

On 6-8th September 2023, the LOWINFOOD partners Silvia Scherhaufer and Gudrun Obersteiner (BOKU) attended the European Bioeconomy Scientific Forum 2023, held in…

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The amount of surplus bread measured for the first time in Italy by LOWINFOOD

4 August 2023

Researchers from four LOWINFOOD consortium organisations have recently published a paper in the Waste Management journal, where they offer an economic assessment…

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Four LOWINFOOD professors at a summer school about designing sustainable food systems

11 July 2023

From 26 June to 6 July 2023, the Centro Studi Alpino di Pieve Tesino (Italy) hosted the DS-FOOD international summer school “Design…

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Regusto’s campaign to promote food waste reduction at an Italian coastal restaurant

10 July 2023

On 8-9 July 2023, the LOWINFOOD partner Regusto conducted a campaign in collaboration with the Tibidabo Beach establishment, in Tarquinia Lido, Italy….

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Fish sector stakeholder dialogue in Bremen

6 July 2023

Last week LOWINFOOD held a stakeholder dialogue with several experts from the fish value chain in Bremen led by the LOWINFOOD partner The Institute…

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Assessment of the CozZo app by users’ experience in different countries

20 June 2023

On 16 May 2023, the LOWINFOOD partners that have been working on and testing the CozZo app, its developer (CozZo), Tampere University,…