Broad participation of LOWINFOOD at the Retaste Conference
From 27 to 29 September 2023, several partners of LOWINFOOD joined the Retaste Conference in Athens, Greece. It was organised by Harokopio University, which is also a partner of the project.
The welcome speech was in charge of Katia Lasaridi, Professor of Environmental Management and Technology and LOWINFOOD partner, and Clara Cicatiello, the project’s coordinator, offered a keynote speech, entitled “Innovations against food loss and waste: where, why and how they can be effective”.
Apart from the plenary sessions, both Katia and Clara, as well as Christina Chroni, also a LOWINFOOD partner from Harokopio University, chaired several parallel sessions where some other LOWINFOOD partners participated with different presentations. The whole participation of the LOWINFOOD partners was as follows:
Session: Prevention of Food Loss and Waste: policy, methods and best practices (chaired by Christina Chroni)
- Clara Cicatiello, Camilla Comis, Ludovica Principato, Paolo Rellini, Luca Secondi, Mengting Yu: Tracking post-consumption of restaurant food and leftovers: innovative digital solution and preliminary outcomes from H2020 LOWINFOOD and REGUSTO
- Nazli Koseoglu, Tareq Mzek, Phoebe Somervail, Simone Piras: Building a sustainable seafood sector through collaboration: insights from a dialogue between stakeholders of the Scottish value chain
Session: Food Waste management in the Urban environment, from prevention to on-site treatment
- Nazli Koseoglu, Simone Piras, Gurneet Kapour. Innovation as an Intervention: How Being Involved in Innovations Against Food Waste Changes the Individuals’ Awareness, Attitude, and Behaviours Towards Food Waste?
- Katia Lasaridi. Food loss and waste measurement in Greece and development of prevention actions within the framework of the LIFE IP CEI Greece and H2020 LOWINFOOD projects
Measurement of Food Loss and Waste (Posters)
- Vanessa Baur, Christina Strotmann. Increasing Sustainability in the German Bakery Trade: Reducing Bakery Returns and Improving Sales Performance by Using Forecasting Order Optimization Software
- Paula Gerwin, Christina Strotmann. Food Waste Reduction Using a Smart Scale Device in German Catering Facilities