Great feeling at the end of the LOWINFOOD General Project Meeting
The second day of the LOWINFOOD General Project Meeting was focused on networking among the partner companies with common interests and competencies. Both physical and online attendees separated into four groups for specific discussions on their area of expertise: technological innovations oriented to forecasting food demand, technological innovations aimed at inducing behaviour change, social innovations and organisational innovations.
Before that, two experts from BOKU offered interesting lectures. On the one hand, Marianne Penker, Professor for Rural Sociology and Rural Development at the BOKU Institute for Sustainable Economic Development, described the historical development of the agri-food sector and the impact this development has had on today’s food chain. On the other, Gudrun Obersteiner, Senior Lecturer at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and Deputy Head Institute of Waste Management, shared with participants several tips and data on the importance of monitoring and evaluation for the emissions of GHG and
The General Project Meeting ended with a recap by partners attending the abovementioned groups about what they have discussed, as well as all with the innovation-providing partners, who informed about the state-of-the-art of their innovations, and the forthcoming steps they are planning to take.
Visit the photo gallery of the two-day meeting
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