Sharing methodologies, engagement strategies and expectations at EFFoST
On 9 November 2022, the LOWINFOOD partner Elisa Carloni (UNIBO) participated in the special session entitled “Innovations for food producers and food SMEs: How to encourage putting innovations into practice“ at the 36th EFFoST International Conference, which was held in Dublin, Ireland. It was a joint event in which the network of projects that are working together focusing on food loss and waste reduction took part.
Jonas Lazaro-Mojica (FoodDrinkEurope) opened the special session focusing on the importance of findings solutions to support agri-food SMEs in such challenging times.
The sister projects’ representatives then presented their innovations for food producers and food SMEs, particularly focusing on supporting and hindering factors for putting the innovation into practice. The intervention of LOWINFOOD was entitled “A second chance for food surplus: a digital marketplace to promote circular economy and avoid food waste”.
A round table then closed the session, with questions posed by the moderator (Katherine Flynn, IFA – ISEKI-Food Association) and the audience. Ideas and experiences concerning co-creation methodologies, stakeholder engagement strategies, and expectations for the innovations’ contribution to sustainability were exchanged.