LOWINFOOD in the Sardinia Symposium 2021
From 11 to 15 October 2021, several representatives of the LOWINFOOD project participated in Sardinia 2021, the 18th International Symposium on waste management and sustainable landfilling, which took place in Cagliari, Italy.
Chaired by Silvia Scherhaufer (BOKU), five partners of LOWINFOOD offered a workshop on the socio-economic and environmental aspects of food waste management. They discussed the methodologies that are being followed in LOWINFOOD to assess the impact of the innovations, together with the challenges they are facing when implemented in practice.
The introductory lectures were presented by the following LOWINFOOD partners: Clara Cicatiello (project coordinator, UNITUS) gave an overview on the rationale and practical implementation of measures against food waste; Katia Lasaridi (Harokopio University), talked about establishing food waste baselines and their challenges and options; Claudia Giordano (UNIBO) explained the evaluation of the efficacy, Nazli Koseoglu (The James Hutton Institute) the evaluation of socio-economic impacts and Silvia Scherhaufer (BOKU) the evaluation of environmental impacts.
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