LOWINFOOD joins the final event of FOODRUS and CO-FRESH sister projects
On 13-14 March 2024, the LOWINFOOD coordinator Clara Cicatiello (UNITUS) joined the Final Event of two of the project’s sister projects, FOODRUS and CO-FRESH, jointly held in Brussels.
These two-day conferences offered the exploration and discussion of the final results, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts of FOODRUS and CO-FRESH in shaping the future of food systems. In this framework, representatives of LOWINFOOD and FAIRCHAIN, the project officer and one representative from the DG Sante shared their experiences with the around 50 people attending the meeting.
The core of the first day of the event was to showcase the activity that FOODRUS did in the three pilot cases (Denmark, Spain, Slovakia) and in the associated regions which acted as replicators of the innovations proposed in the pilot cases. Regarding LOWINFOOD, Cicatiello shared the main key messages that have emerged in the project, the most significant being that when you go hands-on, together with actors of the supply chain, to apply solutions against waste, significant results can be achieved. A very interesting session about the collaboration between sister projects also took place, where the coordinators and representatives of the sister projects expressed their thoughts about the lessons learnt from this collaboration, and what every project gained from others.