LOWINFOOD participates in the 14th meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste
On 7-8 November 2023, the 14th meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste is taking place in Brussels, and the LOWINFOOD partners from Harokopio University of Athens are there. They are participating in the discussion, “especially on the proposal for the compulsory EU FW prevention target, and we are learning from best practice examples presented by other countries and organisations, such as WRAP, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany and others”, they stated.
This meeting aims to facilitate the sharing of information, learning and best practices in food waste prevention, as a way to support all Member States and stakeholders across the food supply chain to prepare for meeting future legislative obligations: the EU food waste reduction targets, adopted by the Commission on 05 July and currently under negotiation with the European Parliament and Council.