LOWINFOOD presents a workbook for reducing returned products and increasing sustainability in bakeries
The LOWINFOOD partner Institute of Sustainable Nutrition (ISUN) has recently completed a workbook for bakeries, to guide and prepare employees in bakeries for using digital forecasting tools, aiming to reduce returned bakery products and promote sustainability.
This training material consists of three modules built on each other. The first one helps to deal with the topic of sustainability in bakeries. The second module covers the basics of merchandise management in bakeries with the aim of achieving more sustainable management. Finally, the topic of digitalisation in the bakery trade is addressed in the third module. These modules consider the day-to-day processes and challenges in the bakery trade and develop practical solutions.
The three modules present the learning objectives, including a case study as a practical example to clarify theoretical contents through situations from everyday work in bakeries, and set out different work assignments. Additional materials are also available.
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