Bake it, save it! LOWINFOOD present at the LVIII Convegno SIDEA
On 29-30 September 222, the LOWINFOOD partner Roberta Pietrangeli (Unitus) attended the LVIII congress of SIDEA (Società italiana di Economia Agraraia) entitled “Innovazione e conoscenza nei sistemi agroalimentari e ambientali: sfide ed opportunità in un tempo di ripresa e resilienza” (Innovation and knowledge in agri-food and environmental systems: challenges and opportunities in a time of recovery and resilience) in Palermo.
The title of the LOWINFOOD’s contribution was “Bake it, save it! Quantity and economic value of food waste in the bread value chain in Italy”. The presentation was about the quantification that has been made of the bakery value-chain’s surplus of bread and bakery products detected in the North of the Lazio region.