Final LOWINFOOD Event in Austria
On 24 February 2025, the LOWINFOOD Austrian partners, BOKU, Unverschwendet and the Austrian Institute of Ecology jointly organised the Final LOWINFOOD Event at BOKU, in Vienna.
In this event, they presented the four innovations that have been implemented in Austria aimed at curbing food waste: a mobile application for the household sector (CozZo app), educational programmes and technical solutions for the dining room in schools (Plate Waste Tracker), the successful distribution of surplus fruit and vegetables from production and processing and processing by the Austrian company Unverschwendet, as well as the forecasting software for bakeries in Germany, which is already being used in Austria (FoodTracks).
A panel discussion also took place during the event. It was expertly moderated by Christian Pladerer, from the Austrian Institute of Ecology. Representatives from policy, academia and the food sector shared valuable insights into the practical implementation of food waste prevention measures.
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants for joining this event! We look forward to future collaborations in our ongoing fight against food waste!