LOWINFOOD at the 11th AIEAA at the University of Tuscia
On 16 and 17 of June 2022, LOWINFOOD partners Clara Cicatiello (the project coordinator), Emanuele Blasi, Roberta Pietrangelli and Marco Nasso participated in the 11th AIEAA (Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata) Congress on “CAP, Farm to Fork and Green Deal: policy coherence, governance and future challenges”, hosted at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. They presented a poster on the activities we are doing in LOWINFOOD with local bakeries.

The 11th AIEAA annual conference was aimed at putting together different points of view, academic backgrounds, research efforts and professional skills with the common aim to explore the potential synergies coming from the integration of the CAP with other EU and national policies under the Green Deal umbrella. The main goal was to improve knowledge on the coherence, the potential integration, the governance of this new approach to the agri-food system, the impact on the national and local systems and the look at future challenges opening up from the new holistic approach to common problems.