Beginning of the summer school “Design of sustainable food systems”
From 5 to 16 July, 19 international students are attending the summer school “Design of sustainable food systems”. It is organised by the University of Tuscia with the support of SLU-Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences e BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, which have taken advantage of their collaboration in the LOWINFOOD project to organise this educational event. The 19 participants are students enrolled in universities of Italy, Germany, Austria and Denmark and they represent 9 different nationalities; they will stay for two weeks at the Alpine Study Centre, following a program with lectures, group works and two field visits at local companies.
“The topics overlap very much with the themes of LOWINFOOD”, highlights Clara Cicatiello, the coordinator of LOWINFOOD. Indeed four LOWINFOOD participants will give lectures: Mattias Eriksson, Silvia Scherhaufer, Clara Cicatiello, Luca Secondi