Pianeta Cospea srl is an Italian retail company operating in the food sector since 1992. Today it owns 6 hypermarkets located in Central and South Italy. Pianeta Cospea srl has a great attention to the issue of food waste in its stores. Four of the stores owned by the company have been monitored for the quantity of food waste produced in 2015 and 2016, as part of the REDUCE project funded by the Italian Ministry of Environment. For the sake of this initiative, unsold goods belonging to different food categories (mostly bread, vegetables, meat and dairy products) are collected daily and donated to a local charity. This initiative is saving over 20 tons of food from being wasted, every year.

Role in LOWINFOOD: The main contribution of Pianeta Cospea is expected in WP2, where it participates to task 2.4. It is also involved in WP1, WP6 and WP7 together with all other partners.