The Assembly of European Horticultural Regions (ARE) is a European non-profit association. It represents the voice of the fruit and vegetables and horticultural regions and their producer’s organisations in Europe. It gathers 20 regions and 25 Associations of producer’s organisations which globally represent 55% of the European production of fruits and vegetables. The purpose of the association is to represent and defend the economic and social interests of regions and producers in the European institutions. It is also a platform for exchanging experiences and good practices in order to foster partnerships and joint actions and promote innovative actions.

Role in LOWINFOOD: The main contribution of the Assemblée des Régions Europeéennes Fruitiéres, Légumières et Horticoles is expected in WP2, where it participates to task 2.1. ARE is also involved in WP1, WP6 and WP7 together with all other partners.